Tool Development

I am currently working on a variety of tools to support software measurement and process improvent. I am in the furtunate position to work with many excellent researchers and software developers that provide input and help me to evaluate these tools in practice. Some example tools are listed below.


CodeVizard mines software repositories and visualizes code history and metrics over time. The aim of the tool is to give the user more visibility into changes and quality of a software project. This tool started off as a class project in Ben Shneiderman's information visualization class and has since then been applied to many research projects.

JIRA Plugin: Individual Hour Allocation

This JIRA plugin was developed in cooperation with Keymind and displays the scheduled hours of tasks for one user for the upcoming 8 weeks. The plugin helps to more effectively plan project assignments in agile, multi-project software development environments. A download of the tool is available here.